Community Connections

As we approach a full year of dealing with the changes COVID-19 has brought to our lives, it is even more important than ever to connect with friends, family and neighbours – even if it is in a new way. We hope you are finding resources you need to keep you and your family physically and mentally healthy, and are able to reach out for help. We hope you find balance and are able to find moments of peace. We never expected the impact of this virus to go on so long, but hopefully we can see the light at the end of a long year where so many things have challenged us and changed the world in which we live.

This month’s eNewsletter includes links and information about services in our area on our Community Partner Page. We encourage you to reach out to them if you need help, or if you would like to volunteer. Throughout the eNewletter, the links in bold, blue, underlined font take you directly to a website or Facebook link for more information.

Links to ideas to help you reach out to your neighbours through the Abundant Community initiative are on page 3. It’s as easy as dropping a note or friendly card in someone’s mail box! Maybe some Valentine’s cards to brighten a family’s day…

We are looking forward to resuming programs, events, and connecting in person as soon as we are able. In the mean time, enjoy this month’s eNewsletter! Other editions are under “About Us”, “Newsletters”. Stay safe, and lets keep connected.

~Tracey Hirtle, Communications Director