June 2020 Board Meeting

After a brief hiatus due to COVID-19, your Beverly Heights Board met for our June meeting, adhering to social distancing protocols to ensure our safety.

Most of our discussion was around the potential re-opening of our community league and services. Community leagues are included in phase 2 of the province’s reopening plan. We agreed to create a sub-committee to focus on fulfilling the requirements for our league to reopen safely. We will revisit the discussion at our August meeting. For now, our hall will remain closed to all programs, and rentals.

Our 2020 Annual General Meeting has been rescheduled for September 15 at 7:00 pm. Please note that due to COVID-19, we will be following all social distancing requirements, as determined by Alberta Health Services. The meeting will be held in the Main Hall. All attendees will be required to wear a mask, as per the City of Edmonton face-covering bylaw.

We will elect the following term positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Facility Maintenance Director, Fundraising Director, Neighbourhood Watch Director, Programs/Social Director, and Publicity/Communications Director.

For information on the positions, please click here to read more.

Please come out and have your voice heard at our AGM!